
报告题目      剑桥大学双星演化系列课程

报告人          Christopher Tout 教授

报告人单位  University of Cambridge

报告语言      英

报告时间      2023年9月4日~9月6日&8日 上午10:00--11:30;2023年9月7日上午09:15—10:15

报告地点      1号楼502会议室



These five lectures are an extract from his part III Astrophysics master's course given in the University of Cambridge.  They cover the fundamentals of binary star Evolution, beginning with Kepler's laws followed by an introduction to tidal interactions and more detail on the Roche model for mass transfer.  The physical processes will be used to explain Classical Algol and Cataclysmic Variable stars as key examples.



Christopher Tout is the Professor of Stellar Evolution and the John Couch Adams Astronomer in the University of Cambridge.  He has studied all aspects of the Evolution of stars from their birth to their deaths as well as the effects of interaction with companions in close binary systems.  As well as Cambridge he has worked at Lick Observatory,  California, the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, the Australian National University in Canberra, Monash University in Melbourne and the Konkoly Observatory in Budapest. 


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